如何确保创意的想法流程:与orna罗斯和joanna penn的高级自我发布播客:

如何确保创意的想法流程:与orna罗斯和joanna penn的高级自我发布播客:

In this month’s #AskALLi Advanced Self-Publishing Salon, Orna Ross and Joanna Penn discuss the topic of creative flow — from the necessity for creative rest and play, to the value of deep research and immersion, to using social media as a stimulator for ideas and words.


  • 什么是最好的工具和技巧,刺激和捕获想法?
  • 你如何选择合适的想法?
  • 当想法停止流动时,你会怎么做?



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在#ASKALLI高级自我发布#podcast,@ORNAROSS和@ThecreativePenn讨论创意流动的主题 - 从创意休息,并发挥深入研究和沉浸的价值。点击微博



2012年,Orna Ross在伦敦书展上发起了独立作家联盟。她为ALLi所做的工作使她成为了The Bookseller的“出版界100位顶级人物”之一。她还出版诗歌、小说和非小说作品,并对作者出版的民主化和赋权潜力感到非常兴奋。想了解更多关于Orna的信息,请访问她的网站:http://www.ornaross.com.





Alli,Orna Ross和Joanna Penn的每月更新



所以,这次Cory Doctorow将成为我们的封面男孩,他非常糟糕,有点,解放内容人类的东西,创造性的共享。在另一端,我们有来自出版商协会的Claire Anker。We’re going to run a partnership with the Publishers Association, they have an infringement portal, which, a lot of our members would have used Blasty, when that service was there, but it kind of imploded a couple of years ago now, and we’ve been looking for a replacement. So, the PA has this copyright infringement which, if you want to do your take-down notices, it makes it simple, it makes it automatic. So, we’re going to be working with them on that, and Claire Anker is going to be giving the opposite side and saying why it is so important that we do actually tackle, that we don’t let the content go free and see it as a, sort of, marketing tool, which is what some people would say you could, you can and should do.


乔安娜·佩恩:我开始研究我的下一个大AI件,而且很大的事情是显然,策划。Because there’s more and more and more and more and more content, curation is actually the most powerful thing now, and the magazine does that, obviously our conference does that, I didn’t speak at it this year, but if people do want to get the recordings, where do they go for that?

Orna。罗斯:这是self publosherathicconference.com..它现在有自己的独立网站。它曾经是自我发布咨询中心的一部分,但实际上它丢失了那里并导致破坏。

嗯是的,self publosherathicconference.com.,你仍然可以看到演讲者的阵容和一些发生的事情。

乔安娜·佩恩:极好的。好吧,上周这一直是巨大的编辑生命之树,我的下一个惊悚片,现在是我的校对家。所以,它在那个最后的精加工时刻。但我的意思是,你知道,那些最后一行编辑,哦,我的善良,每天谈论爆炸!详细的行编辑和单词选择和哦,那些东西很棒,非常令人满意,但很难努力。所以,我觉得我的头已经爆炸了。但是,生命之树。所以,即将推出。我也是在上个月,在上个月,做了六天的朝佩朝圣,我在我离开之前遇到了你,从伦敦到坎特伯雷,追随坎特伯雷的路线,到了殉难的殉难。贝克克托马斯。这部分是为什么我们今天在填补创造性良好时进行会议。所以,我想我会在稍后会这样做。 I feel like at the moment it needs time to settle, so we’ll talk about that in the creative process. What about you in a, sort of, Orna Ross, rather than ALLi?

Orna。罗斯:I’m probably in the opposite sort of place to you, because being post-conference, and a lot of other activity that kind of tends to happen in our ALLi coming up to the holiday season, I’m actually ready now and available now to step into filling the creative world kind of thing more. I’m also wrapping up some final edits, in exactly that time period you’re talking about where that concentrated work, working with the new editor has been really fantastic, working with Roz Morris on the creative self-publishing book, so that will be ready for launch in January, and also the quarterly and monthly planners, as well. So yeah, very fine, kind of, detailed work, but coming close to an end now. And then I’ll be back into maker mode, which I’m looking forward to.






Orna。罗斯:是的,我想对我来说,它确实回到了几分钟前谈论的是,我现在有更好的理解。Having been in this business for some years, I have a much better understanding of the rhythm of the year and I don’t tend to go, Oh, I’m just not getting enough time for my creative work, you know, which was a feature in earlier years when you’re building and you’re not quite sure what the rhythm of your year is. A little while ago, I started, well, sometime ago now, I started working and thinking in quarters and that has made a huge difference to me. So, I think more in terms of creative flow, rather than filling a well and, you know, creating the conditions around me that ensure that flow happens. So, for me, it’s very much, and in fact lockdown has probably suited me, not every moment of it by any means, but overall it has kind of pinned me down, made me less busy, and the regular routine, and just settling in and really observing my old processes and trimming the fat, and time for more reflection and stuff like that.




乔安娜·佩恩:So, we’ll come to some ways to do it in a sec, but I also wanted to acknowledge Julia Cameron who came up with the concept of the creative well, like, she particularly uses that phrase, although, you know, lots of people talk about it in different ways, but that’s where I first came across it.

对我当时,我还记得我说的时候,我永远不会写一本小说,我把它放在我的播客中的第500集中,我实际上在2009年的播客剧集大声说出了这一点,因为那一点, and what I think is, and some people could call that a block, you know, a writing block because I had that, but I think it’s because I hadn’t built the machinery of the creative well, or I now, kind of, understand it as a sort of pipe or a compost bin, because I really like the idea that we’ve got a compost bin in our garden and you have to fill it up with lots of different stuff, and then, obviously, what comes out at the bottom is very good for the soil. Maybe this isn’t the best metaphor, but it’s that composting, the fact is, if I don’t, as you say, put stuff in from these different angles and then I need time for it to compost together and turn into something new.



So, we’re all in innately creative, but what happens is that the conditions in our lives, and particularly in our societies, which are very analytically driven, you know, we’re not encouraged to set up conditions for flow, and most people don’t live that way. And so, you have to, in a sense, it’s the way less traveled. You have to step away from how “ordinary” people talk about life and how they live and what they need and so on. And you have to really look at what your own needs are from a creative perspective. And then be brave enough to put those in place, and sometimes you’ll meet resistance from your family and other kinds of resistances in yourself. So, this isn’t simple stuff. On paper, it sounds simple and can be very simple, but sometimes it can be really quite emotionally complex because there’s a lot of emotional labor in there, as well as just the work of doing the work.



所以,第一个是,我们有点说,腾出时间。So, I really think this is important because there is this obsession, I mean, we’re recording this in NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, where the obsession is word count, it’s like, whatever it is, 1,667 words a day, it makes 50,000 a month, something like that. And so, the obsession with word count means that a lot of writers, especially new writers, associate writing with word count. And I think that can be quite damaging because if you’re making time to write, for me, that also includes time to research, time to think, time to process, you know, time to go and do all these other things.




所以,你有这七个阶段,首先,你的意图是你要放在一起的意图。然后你有孵化,这就是你在谈论的,堆肥。你有研究,这是对,你知道的,因为我们通常会想到它;我们将在一分钟内更详细地讨论这些内容。只有那么你才击中起草,那就是在中间,然后你有点加深,草案和精心制作,并确保它在说你想说的一切。然后,你终于进入了编辑,然后完成了完成。每个阶段都看起来非常不同,它呼吁你的不同技能。根据您处于哪个阶段,您需要使用不同的思维方式接近它,然后它不是线性的,它不会像一个,阶段二,阶段三,第四阶段。这舞蹈中有点漩涡,在那里你一直在向后移动并前进。所以,重要的是,你把那个时间放在一边,而不仅仅是为了创造性的工作,而且还为创意的戏剧和创造性的休息,因为他们不会从一个创造力的过程中脱离,他们实际上是一个过程。 You have to actually go there. You have to intentionally rest and intentionally play in order to keep that thing moving. And when you do, I mean, with new writers, they’ll often say to me, I have no time, I’ve only got this much time and I have to spend that pushing out words. But actually, productivity goes way up when you actually understand the process and you understand its requirements.

乔安娜·佩恩:是的,绝对。好吧。所以,一旦你做了你的时间,那个时间就可以做的一些事情。So, we’ll start with reading, research, immersion, and, for me, part of the reason, I was thinking actually today when I was walking, because, like many people this year, you’re thinking about your life and reassessing things and I’m like, why do I do this? And one reason is travel, and research is a big part of my life. One of the reasons I am a writer is to research, and it’s funny because I hear people who just don’t get it. They’re like, well, if you just write whatever, you can do all your research online. And I’m like, yeah, that’s not really the point.



Orna。罗斯:是的,绝对。I now feel and find that, when I’m just watching something just for pleasure, it’s not half as satisfying as when I also have that, this is going to feed something in the book, you know, and that deepens the pleasure for me. And sometimes with a book, if it really wows me, I would find myself reading it twice, you know, once to kind of just enjoy it and then go back and say, why did I love it so much, why was I so wowed by it? At what point was that effect created and, you know, really kind of going in there from a craft perspective. I love doing that as well, breaking things apart. So yeah, I really like to have a fiction project on the go and then be watching all these things around it. Because I write historical fiction, it’s really important in terms of world building as well, to get those; very often watching a movie really gives you the kind of detail that you won’t get from researching text or even writing from the time, but I love the research process in and of itself. So yeah, I’m not as wedded to the travel thing as you are, but I think it’s the same motivation that takes me, you know, the past is a different country, put me in an archive, looking at old documents and I get that; I get probably the buzz that you get from traveling to somewhere exotic and fabulous.

乔安娜·佩恩:是的。Because I think, travel as a sort of separate thing and sort of new environment, going to a new place, there are things that you see that you don’t necessarily see on a curated video, because YouTube and media, we know everything is curated, what we’re doing now is pretty real, but we’re still curated versions of ourselves. This is our curated backdrops and all this, you know? But when you go somewhere, you’re going to pick up things, even things like how things smell. I often will end up Googling, what does this place smell like? To try and put that in a book when I’m somewhere I haven’t been. When you are the other, I’m kind of obsessed with the idea of the other, because we see the other in everyone else most of the time, but when we travel, we are the other, and it’s even simple things like trying to find the bathroom in a country that is not your own, or money, or how the people do things or, you know, just different things will make you stop. And if people live there, they don’t find that unusual. So, what I find is in my novels, I’m putting in things about, say Portugal that the Portuguese might not notice because that’s so normal to them. And then story ideas come from what is unusual. So, we went to Amsterdam, and we went there, and I knew I would find a story, but I went to things like the hermetic library of manuscripts, expecting to find the story there and there wasn’t, there was nothing, it was dry to me. And then we went to this Portuguese synagogue in Amsterdam, and I was like, that’s so weird, what is a Portuguese synagogue doing in Amsterdam? And then in their bookstore, there was a book, I put it on Instagram a while ago called, Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean. Exactly. And I was like, Whoa, that’s a story. So, I bought the book and the book, you know, Tree of Life opens in this synagogue in Amsterdam, but that curiosity and this sort of, what is that doing here, that wouldn’t have happened by watching a video about a Portuguese synagogue. So, that’s why I find travel is so important.










And I’ve written, I was thinking about it, I’ve written two novels and a short story, from things I’ve been to at the British museum, which is pretty good considering it’s just this one museum, it’s a pretty good museum, but, you know, if you can’t go to a different country, what have you got in your environment where you could go to again and again, but see it from a different perspective. Like, obviously moving to Bath, I ended up writing books about Bath, and it’s a good way to get to know your own town, to sort of figure out what’s going on. And, obviously, nature is something that you can get to know as well. So, I think that’s important. So, I guess we’ve done that. What is next? You carry on.




乔安娜·佩恩:是的。我的意思是,我从不与其他人谈论我的小说中发生了什么。I feel like this, for me, is a non-fiction or, you know, maybe the process of craft, but certainly, like, I’ve been going to an AI online conference recently, a podcast one, because I’m learning, and those feed into my non-fiction books. I know lots of people who do interviews for their fiction, but I feel like the process of consuming information in order to produce work is different maybe for fiction and non-fiction.









Obviously, the first thing, I think, for me, so just talking about coming back from this pilgrimage, I’ve got half a journal full of notes, I’ve got about 600 photos, and I do not even want to look at it. I feel like, it was two weeks ago now, and I don’t know when I’m going to look at it, but I’m not ready to. So, I’m just letting that sit because, when I’m ready to look at it again, I trust and know that when I look at it, things will emerge from my notes that I wouldn’t notice right now because I’m still too close to it, and I just need that time, that waiting time and the time away and the alone time. So, what do you think, what are the next steps?






乔安娜·佩恩:我认为,你知道,我当然做很多日志,就像你说的,模拟的东西,但我不坐和二分法的人,我走,但是我发现一个更长的散步,几乎任何进行了90分钟,但是,你知道的,特别是当它开始越来越长,20 k,,, 4个小时,然后再散步对我来说是一种冥想。那时我有很多想法,很多很多想法。所以,我总是有我的手机当我散步和我经常只是决定到现在,就一行程序,我想的东西,然后我回来的时候,就是我在走路,我只是做笔记,然后当我到达酒店时,我将写小纸条。所以,走路有点类似于冥想,但就像你说的,你几乎需要看向别处,它是在你的眼角的东西,然后它就会出现。事实上,这是我挂在墙上的东西,信任涌现,我挂在墙上很多年了。我不记得是谁说的了。


乔安娜·佩恩:Well, then we hope you found this useful and, wherever you are in your career, there are always going to be times, like this year has been difficult for many people, if you’re someone who is struggling, it may be that you can fill your creative well in some other ways, and get around the lockdown in some mental fashion, or something.






Yes, Orna and I are going to share years’ worth of mistakes and issues we’ve had, and failures, and when things went wrong, and setbacks, in the hope that we can share them with you so that you, well, you’ll never avoid them all, we all make mistakes, but we feel like this is a good way to end the year with, you know, how we can reframe those difficult times and still come out on top.




Howard Lovy已经做了30多年的记者,现在他扩大了独立作者和出版商的声音,并以发展编辑的身份与作者合作。霍华德还是一名专门研究犹太问题的自由撰稿人,他的作品定期出现在《出版商周刊》、《犹太日报》和《朗格雷德》上。

  1. 非常感谢你们,欧娜和乔安娜。这是一个非常好的播客。对我来说,它给了我肯定、安慰和很棒的建议。坦白地说,这正是我今天和最后一段时间所需要的,当围绕我写作的怀疑和挫折不断累积的时候。我不是新手,但有时我觉得没有刚开始时那么自信了。所以,谢谢你——我要去研究、堆肥和孵化了



