采访Karen Hill Anton: Black Woman In Japan highlight Our Shared Humanity-Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

采访Karen Hill Anton: Black Woman in Japan



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关于励志独立作家,@howard_lovy采访了Karen Hill Anton。她是一位居住在日本一个小社区的黑人妇女。但她强调了我们共同的人性。# indieauthors点击推荐




Howard Lovy一直是30多年的记者,过去八年已经放大了独立出版商和作者的声音。他与作者合作,作为一本书编辑,以准备他们的工作。霍华德也是一个专业从事犹太问题的自由作家,他们的工作在每周出版商,犹太人每日前进和长叶。查找在霍华德howardlovy.comlinkedin.推特


霍华德喜欢:本周我的客人是Karen Hill Anton。她是一名黑人妇女,嫁给了一个白色的丈夫,生活在日本的一个小社区。但是凯伦将是第一个告诉你这些描述都非常重要的。


卡伦山安东 Karen Hill Anton:大家好,我的名字叫卡伦山安东。






Karen Hill Anton:当我19岁时,我离开了美国。我第一次去欧洲。我一个人去了。这是我第一次在飞机上。我先去英格兰,然后我搭便车,你知道,法国和西班牙的长度和广度,我进入摩洛哥,然后我在丹麦一段时间,我在欧洲,我在欧洲大约一年,和I haven’t been the same since. It changed my life, it just opened up a new world, you know, to see what’s out there. The only thing I knew was the United States. I think I had, in fact, growing up in New York City, the only other states I had been to were New Jersey and Connecticut, but you get out in the world and you see, oh, you know, what you thought you knew, and even at 19 you already think you know a lot, you find out yeah, you know, lots of different ways of doing things, ways of, you know, ways of eating and about food and dress and even what kind of home you have and what interiors you will have and, you know, how people communicate and spend their time, their leisure, and, you know, the hobbies they take up.



Karen Hill Anton:在我的高中去年,我们在学校介绍了一个名为艺术史的新课程。正如我在我的书中所说的那样,拍摄这门课程就好像整个课程都被照亮了。我们拥有最精彩的老师,他向我们介绍了伟大的艺术世界,从Willendorf的维纳斯和希腊建筑,你知道,法国印象派,他只是经历了所有的。而且,当然,我们在纽约市。很多,你知道,我们可以看到,你知道,去马德罗艺术博物馆或现代艺术博物馆,他刚刚与我们连接,你知道,你知道,你知道,你知道,黑色,犹太人,波多黎各,希腊,爱尔兰,你知道,来自那些工人的家庭。但他没有做,我会说,我们和艺术世界之间的任何距离,几乎就像他认为我们就可以接受它。



霍华德喜欢:最终,凯伦找到了向丹麦找到的方式,在那里她曾担任一所高中的天然食品。她在1968年的动荡年度在出国,并了解了Martin Luther King,JR和Robert F. Kennedy的暗杀,而她在欧洲。


Karen Hill Anton:我知道在丹麦和瑞典,我可以从黑色那里做一个职业生涯,作为一个模特或作为一个黑色,年轻女子,我很瘦,就像我很有魅力,但你知道,我知道,我本来可能是一个舞者,我可以很容易地把那里的职业生涯更容易成为一个模特,但在我的女儿出生在丹麦后,当我回到美国时,我去佛蒙特州住。我在那里住了四年,很愉快。我绝对喜欢它。对冬天来说并不疯狂,但我真的很喜欢它,如果我的丈夫,他仍然邀请日本,我可能仍然是在那里,并询问我是否会和他一起去。在我们没有结婚的时候,我说,是的,肯定。



Karen Hill Anton:At one point, the Japan Times, which is Japan’s oldest and largest English newspaper, opened up a section called, Living in Japan, and it was open to the readers of the Japan Times to contribute some, you know, about their experience of living here. They had a 500-word limit. I heard, about this and thought, oh, okay, well, you know, I’ll write something, and I sat down and I wrote something, and when I looked up, it was 2000 words. But being totally unprofessional at the time, I sent it in, which I would never do now. If an editor asks me for 500 words, they won’t get 501, they’ll get 500, and they responded, the managing editor wanted to publish it as a feature article, not just for this small section, and also with photographs. So, that was my initial step into writing for newspapers.

And then some years later when I approached them, because he encouraged me to continue to contribute to the Japan Times, and at the time my children were young and so I wasn’t doing much writing, but when I could, I approached him again, the paper again, with this idea that I’d write a column called, Crossing Cultures. I would say generally about the experience of an American woman, married to an American, raising children in rural Japan and participating in society here at every level.

我想这一定是某种群的读者会有兴趣,他们都非常感兴趣。这是一个非常受欢迎的专栏。哦,绝对一切,我写了,你知道,我的邻居和我与他们互动,学校,以及参与PTA,然后是本地儿童协会的副会长。I wrote a lot about education because, as much as I respect what Japan has done in education, which is, you know, we have almost a hundred percent literacy in Japan, which the United States cannot say, it’s still, you know, I just felt so much of education here was stifling and conformist and, at the time there was school on Saturdays, that’s no longer true. It was a six-day school week.


Karen Hill Anton:因为我有一个不寻常的,肯定非传统生活的东西,你知道的,不是每个人都开车带着一个五十岁的大众错误的,只要欧洲通过阿富汗。



Karen Hill Anton:我学会了早期注意并观察,以及我很了解的事情之一,这就是我有望合作。你知道,生活在一个小型农村社区,你有你在社区的职责;把垃圾或你知道,切割杂草或存在,你知道,贩运监视器,你知道,当孩子们上学时,无论是什么,你都希望合作。



Karen Hill Anton:I can say that I’ve never felt that I was a black woman living in Japan, I’ve always just felt that, you know, I’m a foreign woman, I’m an American, we’re an American couple, and when we go to the United States, you know, of course, we’re not traveling now because of the pandemic, but I always felt that as soon as we stepped off the plane in Los Angeles or New York or wherever, then we became an interracial couple. What can I say, I don’t care about that, as long as it doesn’t affect me. In general, just observing what’s been going on in the past few months and throughout the summer, from my perspective, I only see it as tragic; to have this great focus on a race, when it’s a concept I don’t even accept. And I felt, you know, that we’ve come so far. I’m not saying that no racism exists or whatever, but leave United States, go around the world because it’s in many places and, oh, it’s extremely frustrating. It’s extremely frustrating, and I see things, you know, where they’ll write whole articles about like, oh, imagine being the only black person in the room, and I go, what the hell? What the hell? I’m 45 years as the only black person for a hundred miles, or whatever it is, it doesn’t have to be a problem. Why make it a problem? I was in the United States, well, I grew up there. I protested against the Vietnam War, against segregation etc. I was at King’s March, you know, so I know what it was like, but I also know the United States has come very far.


Karen Hill Anton:看,我强调我们所有人之间的连接深人性,不分民族,我们期待和我们完全无关的不同方法。我出生颜色,你还是我的丈夫出生另一方面,它就像,你有什么工作是做些什么?绝对没有。And all of these things that are dividing people now, many people read my book and see that they’re grateful for the fact of a perspective that not only doesn’t emphasize difference, but highlights, not in a superficial way or, you know, it’s not even like I’m trying to do it, that’s what my experience has been. I’ve lived abroad, I’ve grown up in the United States, I do live in a community of people who don’t look anything like me, but I say that you can make your place. When you’re accepting of other people, they’re accepting of you. That’s my feeling.


Howard Lovy一直是30多年来的记者,现在放大了独立作者出版商的声音,并与作者合作作为发展编辑。霍华德也是一个专业从事犹太问题的自由作家,他们的工作在每周出版商,犹太人每日前进和长叶。

  1. 我很高兴听到你对Karen Hill Anton的采访,并期待在我今天在日本的直播脱口秀节目中与她交谈,这是寻求可持续发展直播脱口秀系列节目的一部分。长期以来,她一直激励着居住在日本的国际居民,我很高兴能和她谈谈她书中的部分内容,这些内容让我觉得很有见地,无论你身在何处,都能过上更充实的生活。你可以在日本时间11月13日下午1点在SSL播放列表中找到我的youtube频道直播的采访:https://www.youtube.com/c/JJWalshInboundAmbassador




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