
Best Business Tips of 2020 for Indie Authors

As we near the end of the year, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team wanted to use December to look back at 2020 and the range of ultimate guides and posts we've created to help you write, publish and market your books. Today, we've collated all of the business posts, podcasts and books from the team to help you improve your business skills. Here are the best business tips of 2020.

7 Ways You Can Make More Money from Your Book

It takes so much time and effort to become an indie author. Now, how about a little ROI? Truth is, now that you’ve crystallized your ideas into book form, there are multiple ways to spin your book into gold — aka make more money from your book — by exploring different formats and unique paths to market. In this post, Georgie Hockett has seven suggestions to help you do just that.
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